Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A blog deferment

I SO don't feel like blogging today so I'm going to defer to someone else's blog.

"Can you do that?" you ask.
"Yes" I answer.

The writer of the blog I'm deferring to doesn't even know I exist. Its kind of a blog-crush really. Do you have any of those? I first discovered this inspiring woman and her beautiful family when I was reading the comments on Laura Van Ryn's parents' blog. The woman shared with Laura's parents that she understood the pain of losing a child. It made me curious of her story. After looking over her blog that day and reading through her tragic and inspiring story, I found myself revisiting her blog day after day to see what she had been up to or what she had to say. Its been three years now and I still find myself seeing what Jody Ferlaak has to say from time to time.

So, allow me to grace you with her daily life and story via her blog. For today, enjoy a post or two from Nitty Gritty. If you have a little more time, read her story entitled "Losing Teagen-A Story of Tragedy, Forgiveness & Hope".

Who knows, maybe after writing this blog I'll conjure up the courage to introduce myself...

1 comment:

Mom/Barb said...

I think this is a great idea!! Barb