Wednesday, October 15, 2008

in this moment

Well, its the day after my due date. The infamous "4th trimester". I feel like I am living in this inexplicable surreal state outside of the normal space-time continuum. Every moment is filled with this knowledge and anticipation that it could be Mark and my last of life as we have always known it. I saw the Dr. yesterday and if this little guy doesn't come on his own, we're going in to the hospital this coming Monday morning to "encourage" him out--5am. So this time next week, we will be the proud proud (and a bit frazzled) parents of a beautiful baby boy. wow. I am a little giddy and a little scared thinking about all that day and the coming weeks and months will hold. How do I begin to process the emotion, love, pain, and exhaustion like I have never known that is ahead of me?

Any ideas or suggestions of how Mark and I should spend next Sunday (also known as the last day before the first day of the rest of our lives)? Then again, the little man may decide he wants to come this evening and I won't have to answer that question...the anticipation continues...

Thank you for all your prayers and phone calls. It has been seriously amazing. Mark and I have been reminded of God's goodness through the incredible relationships with which He has filled our lives. Just feeling a bit sentimental these days:)

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

A few statistics from the past week...

The number of pounds I gained in one week

The number of babies a woman in Walmart asked me if I was having

The number of episodes of "A Baby Story" I watched today

The number of episodes of "A Baby Story" I regretted watching today

The number of extremities kicking/punching my ribs and hip bones

The number of times I woke up to go to the bathroom last night

The number of days until my due date

The number of minutes I can comfortably sit in the same seat