Wednesday, October 01, 2008

A few statistics from the past week...

The number of pounds I gained in one week

The number of babies a woman in Walmart asked me if I was having

The number of episodes of "A Baby Story" I watched today

The number of episodes of "A Baby Story" I regretted watching today

The number of extremities kicking/punching my ribs and hip bones

The number of times I woke up to go to the bathroom last night

The number of days until my due date

The number of minutes I can comfortably sit in the same seat


monica noel said...

oh baby oh baby oh baby-- here he comes! wahoooo!

Jessica said...

Hi Lindsey! I found your blog from your facebook page and have been following your pregnancy. I'm 7 months pregnant with #2 and its always a comfort to hear about other women going through the same things I'm going through. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm SUPER excited for you and your husband. Good luck with all the craziness that will come during the next few months, and God bless!
-Jessica (Maple) Kincaid

T said...

lindsey, i love reading your blog! has it hit you yet that you are going to be a mom??? it definitely hasn't hit me yet, but i am wondering if it will as i get closer. i'm praying for you!!!