Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Happy 2nd Birthday Big Boy!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
still moments
Just about every night since Lucas was born I have quietly snuck into his room to check on him before calling it a night myself. I’m sure my mom friends can relate. I just love watching him in that peaceful state...especially after days filled with furniture jumping, word jabbering, door slamming, swing flying, stair climbing, playground running and snack requesting:) At the end of the day, there is something just so truly remarkable about the face of a sleeping little one. So still. So utterly peaceful. With his smooth skin, round cheeks and long eyelashes. It always reminds me of the sweet innocence and vulnerability of my little man.
I can’t help these days but to think about how big he has gotten. I remember so vividly gazing at my little infant boy over the side of his cradle, so tiny and swaddled so tightly in his snuggly blanket. And now, I gaze at him in his “big boy bed” with his Thomas bedspread pulled high up around his neck, looking much too much like a little boy. In those quiet moments in his dimly lit room, I try to soak up that moment as if no other moment has ever existed and no other ever will. I remind myself that when he is grown and gone, with a family of his own, and his love of Thomas only a sweet but distant memory, this little boy, with his pale plump skin and tossled hair will forever be a part of the very tapestry of my soul.
Monday, September 06, 2010
To make a practice of this means leaving margins in my life Allowing for pauses in the mind's seemingly unending babble relating to plans, responsibilities, obligations and entertainment. It means leaving margins for longer than just enough time to fit in a few REM cycles before the babble begins again in the morning.
And with that said, I'm back. Determined to leave more margins in my life. Determined to allow space in my day for such digestion of thoughts. No time like they present they say. Thus, I would like to reclaim my title as "Blogger" once more.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Lucas' 1st ocean experience
Lucas at the ocean from Lindsey Meyers on Vimeo.
While visiting Grandpa Tim in January, we made a trip to St. Augustine where Lucas laid eyes on the ocean for the first time! It wasn't a sunscreen and sand castle kinda day, but it was memorable none-the-less. Thanks for a great trip Grandpa Tim!