Thursday, December 31, 2009


I am coming to discover that perspective is everything. There are lots of cheesy cliches out there that talk about how its not as much what happens to you but how you choose to respond to it. Or how its not about the destination, but the journey. But I've also come to realize that the things that often sound the most cliche in life, have gotten that title because of the unrelenting truth found behind the cliche.

And so I say again, perspective is everything...well maybe not everything, but an awful lot. And it never hits me more than looking back at another year that declared itself the present, no sooner than to be stored in a photo book and placed on the shelves of our memories. Truth be told, years are nothing more than planet Earth taking another jaunt around the sun. But we of the people-kind seem to like the ideas of beginnings and ends. We love 2nd tries. We love new hope and an opportunity for a fresh tomorrow.

As I look back on 2009, I have the opportunity to choose. Do I choose a perspective that focuses on disappointments, unfinished goals and valiant thoughts that never made it outside of the walls of intentions? Because there were plenty. Or do I choose a perspective that attempts to see these past 365 earth rotations in light of a story so much bigger and grander than me and my accomplishments, failures, disappointments and trials?

So I reflect on the beautiful and redemptive growth that occurred over the past year. None of which had much to do with the hopeful resolutions that began the year (not that I remember any of them). Some of that growth includes:

*making my peace with the kitchen (thanks Food Network).

*staring my own materialism in the face and loosening my grip just a bit more (thanks banking account).

*developing new professional skills and knowledge (thanks job).

*discovering a depth of unconditional love for my son so great that it absolutely scares the bejesus out of me (thanks Lucas).

*uncovering a renewed heart for Christ and His church (thank you Jesus).

In many ways, 2010 has a lot to live up to. I have a feeling its (He's) up for the challenge:)

1 comment:

Emily said...

I love this. Thanks for sharing your process, Linds. I've been thinking through much of the same, and my heart calms down to know that somehow, when all of us are in very different spots in life, we're learning similar lessons. I've got some airport time this weekend on my way to visit Kim...want to chat soon?