Saturday, September 16, 2006

Save Darfur

I think this is the first time we posted anything of this nature on here. This post is unfortunately very long overdue. In case there are readers that are unaware of the current situation in western Sudan, here is the 411. There are literally millions of displaced people who live in refugee camps in Darfur (western Sudan). They have been forced to move there for a multitude of reasons, one of them being that an Arab militia has been killing and demoralizing the people through raping the women and children and killing the men. The little physical support that is keeping the region semi-stable is because of the African Union peacekeeping force of 7,000. They are being made by the Sudanese government to leave at the end of the month. Please stand up for this under-publicized tragedy and urge our country to speak up in the UN; and lead the UN in bringing in UN peacekeepers into Darufr. Sign this petition below and seriously let everyone know.

Also if you would like a clearer article about what is going on read this CNN article:

Also if you would like to read the stories of an aid worker in Darfur click on the link: Scottpants. He's been in Darfur since this summer assisting however he can.

1 comment:

Scott said...

hey guys, for the best info on whats happening here in Darfur I would suggest going to

he is one of the best sourses on what is taking place.