Sunday, August 06, 2006

998 miles later

Lest you think that they don't have blogspot in CO, I assure you they do. Sorry its been awhile! Life got a wee bit hectic those couple weeks before the big move. So I assumed once we got here, we'd be on a campus so I'd have no problem getting internet. Well, alas, turns out, as a new student, I'm not in the system still for at least another week. But I found a Panera with wi-fi so all is well again:) So yeah! We're here! After fifteen and a half hours in the car, we arrived!
Since then (not a comprehensive list)...
Marky and our dear new neighbor moved all our stuff into our 3rd floor apt while I cheered them on and placed the boxes in the rooms they were supposed to go.
Had lunch with Marky's grandpa.
Visited Emily (Hamman) Kage and her family on Kage family reunion where we played a whole lot of Apples to Apples. Who knew there was strategy in that Apples to Apples? Well, when you play with the Kage family, there is.
Went for a couple of hikes.
Had a great time in the presence of my dear friend Hamlee.
I unpacked and decorated the apt...truly in my element:)
Marky worked three night shifts (8pm-4am) for a Temp Agency doing stocking.
Went for a couple scenic bikerides.
I continued to unpack and decorate.
Saw "Taladega Nights: The Story of Ricky Bobby" -hilarious-
Drove around and explored our new home!! (away from home of course mom:)

That's it for now...More to come soon.

1 comment:

krickardblog said...

Yay, guys! I am so glad you're enjoying your new home! Seattle is great--2,123 miles later. Keep in touch...Go Grad. School!