Monday, March 27, 2006

The Batman Theology

After watching Batman Begins the other night for the third or fourth time, I've started to form a bit of a theology from it. The movie talks a lot about fear. The movie tells us, "We're always afraid of what we do not understand." It talks about embracing our fears, allowing our fears to make us stronger. I began to reflect on the fears present in my own life that paralyze me from being more, from trusting deeper, from loving without inhibitions. And the thought flashed into my mind...What if, instead of distracting myself from my fears with other thoughts and activities, I just let the fear in? I let the fear cloud my senses, let the terror consume. What if instead of fighting these fears with friends and personal affirmation, I just let it overtake me? Where would I find myself if I let the cold hands of fear place their tight grip around my frail neck? Would God's grace truly match and exceed the depth and isolation of the fear? As I continued to meditate, I realized it was not the actual scary thought or scenario that I was afraid of, it was the fear that Christ's love and goodness couldn't reach that far. Would He be sufficient to protect me? In that moment where there was nothing but the terror of my own ability to fail staring into the most real part of me, would Christ's victory stand firmer? There is no such thing as fear in the life of a lover of Christ for He holds all fear. It is His insufficiency that we really fear. And to that He proclaims, "I AM".



communitynite said...

You are right on Lindsay...perfect love casts out all fear right? We just gotta let go of the control to get there right?

By the way, way to go with the blog upgrade


Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.