But in so many ways, I will never be the same. I think the most profound change is this deep and ever-present vulnerability now in my life. The love is different with a spouse than with a child. I don't feel responsible for Mark's safety, growth and well-being. But with Lucas, I'm just so vulnerable. When watching the news and hearing of someone who was killed or hurt, I immediately begin wondering where that person's mother is and what she is feeling right now. I believe that one of the blessings and curses of motherhood is that every mom, forever has this place of utter and total weakness inside of her. Its like Superman's kryptonite. When it comes to my Lucas, I'm weak. Please don't mess with my son. Because if you do, I feel like my heart just might break into a hundred pieces.
Mother's Day was nice. I have never been one of those people who reminds her friends that her birthday is in another week, or wears the "Its my Birthday" pin. I tend to take the more under-stated approach. But when it came to Mother's Day, I felt fully accepting of the celebration:) I mean over the last year I have carried a frickin' huge child in my uterus, birthed that same frickin' huge child, gone months without more than 3 hours of sleep at a time, been peed on, pooped on, and thrown up on; and somehow come out of the whole thing thinking "yeah, I'd do this again". And the truth of it is, I'm sure-as-heck not the only one. Every mom out there represents a woman filled with sleepless nights and a love that reaches a depth that can bring her to her knees. I feel the need to say however, I don't pretend to have experienced all that there is to experience in motherhood. I've just barely gotten out of the gates of this lifelong journey.
So to all you moms out there, keep up the good work. You deserve a whole heck of a lot of celebration.
And to the rest of you, maybe take a sec today (and tomorrow too) to celebrate the woman who has played the role of mother in your life. She sure does love you a lot.
Here are some photos that we took at the park on Mother's Day.
If you're wondering what pure joy looks like, put a baby in a baby swing and push...
sleepy boy after a long day